Create a Ripple Effect with our New App

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Introducing Ripple – the app changing the way households manage waste.

We can’t change what we don’t measure. We measure our power. We measure our water. 
Now we can measure our waste with the
Ripple app, promoting a move towards tracking & changing waste behaviours.

Our new Ripple app:

  • Tracks bin fill levels
  • Alerts you when your bin is getting full or has fallen over
  • Sends you collection day reminders – never miss another bin day again!
  • Sends alerts with severe weather warnings that may affect your bin
  • Includes handy waste tips & tricks

Now the Ripple app comes with the added bonus of 'Binny' the waste magnet for your home or office.

Never miss a bin day again, with interactive lights on the fridge magnet alerting you to which bins to put out and when the truck is on it's way. Also have a clear visible reminder of your real-time bin levels. A smart feature is the comical red 'Binny' down button that lights up if your bin falls over.

Contact us for a free demo or more info on 1300 265 140, and start your own ripple effect...

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